Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Making a LB KG/如何製作LB KG Part 4

This time is the arms and legs-

You need-

Neo Blox
2 small blox

NBZ-001 Brave Jaguar
B4, B6, B7, B9, C5 x2, C6 x2, L1, L3, L5, L6, L7 and L8

NBZ-002 Hard Bear
A7 x2, A8 x4, A9 x2, L1, L3, L5, L6, L7 and L8

LB-003 LB Gojulas MK-II
B2 x2, C-L01 8 x2, C-N04 7 and C-N04 9

J2 x4, J7 x2, J9 x4 and many J1

RaptorJager's claws

First the arms

First, cut the tips where the cirsle show, both C-N04 7 and C-N04 9
先把C-N04 7和C-N04 9拿出,再把紅圈所示的地方除掉。

Then, connect L03/L01 to C-N04 7 and C-N04 9 with J2. Also put the claws on
(and don't forget to put J1 in L03/L01)
跟著,把L03/L01用J2來接上C-N04 7和C-N04 9。

Last, put B06/B09 at the upper arms and A08 at the lower arms. Just like the photo show.

Next is the legs part

Again, take one L06 and L08, cut off where the circle show.

Put 2 J09 and put into the trim L06/L08. Then put another set of L06/L08 attach to the L1/L3.

After that, just attach on to L5, L7 like the photo show or follow the G2 Rex manual.
接著,把它們都放在L5/L7上,就像圖片顯示般或請參考G2 Rex的說明書。

Then, cover it with the opposite piece.
(If you use L5, then the opposite will be L7)

Next, connect the small blox and Gojulas feet(B02) just like the photo show.

Then, just connect C5(with J1 in it) on the Blox with J7 at the back of the leg and put C6 at the front

Put on A7 and A9 on both side of the blox.

Put A8 on upper L6/L8 and C8 on lower L6/L8

Put on B4/B7, but the peg go into the hole where the circle show.

After you finish both hands and arms, then attach to the body. The KG can stand now, and look even closer to my one.

Next time is the second last step for this "monster" the tail.

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