Monday, March 24, 2008

Making a LB KG/如何製作LB KG Part 2

Now, we are go to build a body-

You need-

Neo Blox
2 Large blox, 3 Medium blox and 1 small blox

NBZ-001 Brave Jaguar
A6, A7, B2, B3, C3 and C4

NBZ-002 Hard Bear
A5, A6, B6 x2 and the tail

LB-003 LB Gojulas MK-II
A5, A6, B5, E4, E5, C-L01 06 and C-L01 07

Hound Soldier Chest piece(3 barrel shock cannon's parts), Missile pod from Shellkam, some "J" parts and a 5mm size cap
軍人獵犬胸前的零件(3連衝擊炮的那一件)、BZ-006的導彈箱、NBZ那些J零件和一個5mm Cap

First, you need all the Neo Blox ready and connect them together just like the next photo.
首先,準備所有Neo Blox和像下一張圖般連結。

Now, get some J08 ready to connect these Neo Blox together.(Just follow the picture to locate all the J08)

After you done, you should have something like this.

Next, ready the Gojulas' blox that you have to build by yourself, the neck from Gojulas and the Bear's tail, then connect them to the blox just like the photo.

It should be something like the photo show

Next few steps is those pieces that need to be custom-

Get the E4 and E5 from Gojulas MK-II, E4 need to cut the peg off the piece(just like the circle show). Then, put the J06 in the hole and glue it on.
拿出Gojulas MK-II的E4和E5,E4要把那連結用的5mm棒剪掉,再在後放的大洞放入J06和固定。

Next is the most important parts for the body-

Get the Hound Soldier piece ready, and use file, sand paper, etc to grind down a little like the red line show.
(don't need to exactly grind that much, close enough will be fine)

Just like the photo, that should be enough.
(little deeper is better)

Next, connect the Missile pod from Shellkam to the shock cannon. Where to put and how to put is your choice.

I put it to a place that enough to cover the hole on both size of the shock cannon and use super glue to hold it. That is what the piece looks like.

Ok, it will be too much if I do it all at once, I will continue at tomorrow.
(If everything ok....)

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